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Terms and conditions

The customer acknowledges that he/she has read, at the time of the order, the special conditions of the sale as described on the website and expressly states that he/she accepts them without reservation.
These prevail over any other conditions appearing in any other documents, except for prior, express and written derogation.
Any order placed on the website is governed by these conditions.

ARTICLE 1 – Intellectual property
All artwork published on the website, as well as the photographs of the artwork and the logo, are the property of L'Atelier Soléo and are protected by intellectual property rights. Any acts of reproduction or transmission, apart from the exceptions recognized exhaustively by law, are prohibited and liable to civil and criminal penalties for infringement.

ARTICLE 2 – Personal data
L'Atelier Soléo agrees not to disclose to third parties the information provided by customers on the website These are confidential. They are only used to process customer orders and to customize communication, in particular when sending e-mails and/or newsletters. 

ARTICLE 3 – Method of payment
The following payment methods are accepted: credit/debit card or online bank transfer. Transactions on the site are secure. All information provided to process the payment is protected and cannot be detected, intercepted or used by L'Atelier Soléo or by third parties. 
L'Atelier Soléo reserves the right not to deliver an unpaid order, in whole or in part, or an order that is the subject of a dispute in the course of administration.

ARTICLE 4 - Delivery
Items are delivered by bpost (Belgium Post).
Each artwork is sent to the delivery address communicated by the customer during the ordering process. Costs may vary depending on the geographical area of delivery. These costs cannot be disputed by the customer as long as he/she has necessarily taken note of them when paying for the order. 
The artwork is shipped upon receipt of the payment. The delivery time is communicated by L'Atelier Soléo when the item is shipped and may vary depending on the local partner. 
In the event of late delivery or even no delivery, the customer may contact L'Atelier Soléo. The customer has the option of canceling the order if the item has not been delivered within seven working days after the delivery date indicated by L'Atelier Soléo, unless the delay in delivery is due to a case of force majeure. L'Atelier Soléo will then reimburse the customer, within 30 working days from the date of the customer's request for cancellation.
It is up to the customer to verify the shipment when it is delivered and to issue reservations and complaints that would appear justified, or even to refuse the package, if it is likely to have been opened or if it shows obvious signs of deterioration. Reservations and complaints must be addressed to the carrier by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt within three working days following the delivery of the item, a copy will then be sent to L'Atelier Soléo.

ARTICLE 5 – Customs duties
Any order placed on the website and delivered outside the European Union may be subject to possible taxes and customs duties which are imposed when the package reaches its destination.
These customs duties and possible taxes are charged to the customer and are under his/her responsibility. L'Atelier Soléo is not required to check and inform customers of applicable customs duties and taxes. It is up to the customer to inquire about this with the competent authorities of his/her country.

ARTICLE 6 – Withdrawal
The customer has a period of 14 calendar days to return an artwork that is not satisfactory, without penalty or additional cost except for the return shipping cost. This period starts from the day of delivery of the order. Within this period the customer must report his/her decision to return the artwork by e-mail to The customer then has a maximum of 14 calendar days to return the artwork.

This right of withdrawal can only be accepted for artwork received by L'Atelier Soléo in a state that is identical to the original state. Artwork returned damaged or soiled will not be taken back.

The value of the returned artwork will be refunded using the same means of payment by the customer when ordering. L'Atelier Soléo will aim to reimburse any compliant withdrawal within 30 days of receipt of the artwork.

ARTICLE 7 – Applicable law

These general conditions are governed by Belgian law.

In the event of a dispute or complaint, the customer will first contact L'Atelier Soléo to obtain an amicable resolution. If necessary, only the courts of the district of Walloon Brabant will be competent.

ARTICLE 8 – Legal notices

The website was created by L'Atelier Soléo with

Soléo is registered in the Belgian VAT register under number BE0786.982.180.


ARTICLE 9 – Liability

L'Atelier Soléo only contracts obligations of means, for all stages of access to the website, from order to delivery, or to subsequent services. L'Atelier Soléo cannot be held liable for any inconvenience or damage inherent in the use of the Internet network, in particular a break in service, an external intrusion or the presence of computer viruses, or any fact that may be qualified as force majeure. In any event, the liability of L'Atelier Soléo under these general conditions may not exceed an amount equal to the amounts paid or payable during the transaction giving rise to said liability, whatever the cause or form of the action.

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